Special Election Date Set In Regards To Durfee High Construction

Donna Motta January 17, 2018 Comments Off on Special Election Date Set In Regards To Durfee High Construction

A special election to ask voters via a ballot question on whether to construct a new B.M.C. Durfee High School has been scheduled for March 6th.

At  a special meeting last night called by Fall River City Council President Cliff Ponte, the council voted 7 to 2 – with Councilors Steven Camara and Shawn Cadime dissenting – to set a March 6th special election date. According to Director of Buildings & Grounds Ken Pacheco, the new school would cost approximately $263 million dollars. Reportedly, the Correia administration gave councilors rough numbers on how much money will be added to property owners’ tax bills to help fund the project.

The Massachusetts School Building Authority (MBSA) is charged with overseeing the construction project, and is expected to reimburse the city for the majority of the cost. The ballot question will be designed to ask if the city would be allowed a debt exclusion. This means that a separate line item would be included in tax bills, which will pay back the bond that will cover the cost for the city’s financial responsibility for its share of the project.







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