Some New, Some Old, Some Out – City Council

Donna Motta November 4, 2015 Comments Off on Some New, Some Old, Some Out – City Council

A few new faces will adorn the city council come January, as will a few old ones.

Newcomer Shawn Cadmime, the city’s former city administrator, won first place, followed by Cliff Ponte in second, then incumbent Linda Perreira in third place.

The other candidates who made it on the council: New comers Richard Cabeceiras, and Pam Laliberte-Lebeau, the latter who is head of the St. Anne’s Neighborhood Association.

Former City Council Steve Camara and incumbent Stephen Long, and Ray Mitchell placed in the bottom three.

Long time Councilor Leo Pelletier, and Pat Casey were ousted. Pelletier said he was ready to retire at age 70 anyway and felt okay with hanging up his political hat, while Ms. Casey was visibly upset, but accepting of her plight.

Voter turnout was 34 percent out of the city’s approximately 47 thousand registered voters.

Photo courtesty


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