Sheriff Hodgson Responds to Healey’s Report on Spring Jail Disturbance

Keith Thibault December 16, 2020 Comments Off on Sheriff Hodgson Responds to Healey’s Report on Spring Jail Disturbance

Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson’s office has issued the following statement in response to the release of a report yesterday by Attorney General Maura Healey investigating a disturbance at the Bristol County House of Correction this spring.

From the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office

“Shame on Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey for demonizing the corrections and law enforcement professionals at the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office with her latest politically motivated stunt.

The report released Tuesday on her office’s investigation into the May 1 incident at the C. Carlos Carreiro Immigration Detection Center in Dartmouth is littered with baseless allegations and assumptions, and was clearly written and released to advance her long-documented anti-ICE, pro-illegal immigrant political agenda. Why would the AG’s staff interview community advocates but not ask Sheriff Hodgson a single question?

The corrections teams at the BCSO risked their lives to quell a violent altercation with criminal illegal aliens on May 1 and did so with the upmost professionalism. We stand by the response to the incident, and look forward to the results of the truly independent investigation currently being worked on by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General. “

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