School Resource Officers Keep Jobs

Donna Motta September 1, 2016 Comments Off on School Resource Officers Keep Jobs

A $1.25 million dollar Community Oriented Policing Services grant was extended past its expiration date of next Wednesday, September 7th. That means the Fall River Police Department can spend the balance of the funding – $71 thousand dollars – to allow the ten (10) school resource officers to remain in their positions.

According to Police Chief Dan Racine, the reason for the leftover funding from the matching federal grant that was announced in October 2013, was because it wasn’t utilized until March 2014 when the officers were ultimately hired.

The city, in the fiscal 2016 budget, has provided the funding for the 10 police positions from September to June 30 when the fiscal year ends.

The police department is also awaiting word on a Executive Office of Public Safety and Security grant meant to help maintain staffing levels. Last year the city was awarded $670,000 to fund police overtime. It was part of an overall $4.2 million EOPSS program.

Gov. Charlie Baker cut the public safety grant in the state’s fiscal 2017 budget, but it was restored by the legislature.

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