School Committee Finance Committee To Meet Today

Donna Motta September 30, 2015 Comments Off on School Committee Finance Committee To Meet Today

The School Committee’s Finance committee will meet later today, September 30th at the School Administration building at 417 Rock Street.

According to Chairwoman Melissa Panchley-Karam, there are two main topics up for discussion.

“The first is how to spend the remaining $700 thousand dollars of the $1.3 million dollar federal Title I grant monies we received for this fiscal year,” she tells

When asked what the possibilities are, Ms. Panchley-Karam says they include hiring para professionals, and co-teachers to help out the main teachers in the individual classrooms, because class size is an issue.”

Most classes throughout the Fall River School System range from 25 students to as high as 31 per class.

“We need to reduce class size, yet we the school system does not have the physical ability to do that at the current time,” she says.

In addition, to the spending allocation as it concerns Title I monies, Ms. Panchley-Karam also says today is the last day that the Mayor can come up with funding to cover the school department shortfall gap for fiscal year 2014-2015.

Mayor Sutter announced this week that he plans to cover the shortfall with money from the city’s free cash account.

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