Ribbon Cutting Scheduled at BCC In Fall River

Donna Motta July 13, 2016 Comments Off on Ribbon Cutting Scheduled at BCC In Fall River

The College will celebrate the opening of its first new building since 2001, with the ribbon-cutting of the 46,000+ square foot, John J. Sbrega, Ph.D. Health and Science Building. The ceremony will be held Thursday, July 14th at 3:00 p.m.

The innovative, new building boasts the latest and most advanced technological resources available to educate BCC’s students in the high-demand fields of nursing, dental hygiene, and life sciences.

The sustainably-designed building is platinum LEED* certified, and is the largest zero-net** energy classroom laboratory in Northeastern, United States.

The high-tech building features a campus-scale photovoltaic system which allows the building to use less than 20 percent of photovoltaic (conversion of light to electricity) production, along with an air source-ground source heating and cooling system, which allows the building to move away fossil fuel usage.

Other innovative, sustainable building elements include solar hot water production, efficient LED lighting, and filtered ductless fume hoods which allow the building to utilize re-circulated and re-heated air.
For more information, contact Kevin Spirlet at 508.678.2811, ext. 3361.

* LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. The LEED, green-building certification program rates building projects on their building strategies and practices using a point system to earn a rating. Platinum, is the highest possible rating that can be achieved through LEED certification.

**A zero-net energy building produces enough renewable energy in the course of a year to meet the total amount of energy consumed by the building.

All BCC community members are welcome to attend.

Photo courtesy

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