Remember To “Buckle Up” In May

Donna Motta July 31, 2017 Comments Off on Remember To “Buckle Up” In May

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has signed legislation deeming May Seat Belt Awareness month.

Former Fall River City Councilor Mike Miozza requested that State Representative Alan Silvia push for the legislation to remind drivers and passengers to buckle up since his grand daughter 19 year old Hannah Raposo, a senior at BMC Durfee High School, lost her life in a car accident in 2016. Hannah was driving to her prom the night she was thrown from the vehicle and was fatally injured. The passenger in the car, who was wearing a seat belt, survived the one car crash.

Miozza tells FRC Media news, “The family is grateful to the legislature and Governor Baker for Passing the bill. Our heartfelt thanks go out to Representative Silvia for leading this effort. We also appreciate all those in Fall River and around the Commonwealth who signed the petitions supporting this bill. We will never know how many lives may be saved, but any life saved will make this effort very worthwhile. We believe our Hannah would be very proud.”



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