Recall Members Weigh in about Special Election Results

Donna Motta March 13, 2019 Comments Off on Recall Members Weigh in about Special Election Results

While pleased the majority of Fall River residents decided to vote in favor of the recall of Mayor Jasiel F. Correia II from office, the mayor still won the election. Correia added his name to the ballot – which is allowed under the newly revised City Charter  – along with four (4) other candidates.

Two recall group members who, in part, were responsible for getting over five thousand registered voter signatures for the city to hold the special election – reacted to the recall results last night while at Scottie’s Pub, where second runner up, School Committee member Paul Coogan set up camp. Here’s their reaction:

The Board of Elections has ten days to certified the votes. Ten days after that is the time period whereby a recount, if requested, would take place. Since Correia was re-elected to office, he will have to be sworn in again as Mayor once the Board of Elections approves the final voter count. When that ceremony will take place has not yet been determined.

Photo Slider: Pictured far left Dawn Saurette, and far right Joseph Perreira.


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