Re-opened Senior Center Attracts Crowds

Donna Motta September 29, 2015 Comments Off on Re-opened Senior Center Attracts Crowds

The Senior Center at 114 South Main Street, which has only been re-opened for two weeks now, is back to drawing crowds.

That update from Acting Associate Director of the Council on Aging office Laurel Jonas. She tells that since the center reopened on September 14th, it has serviced 213 seniors, aged fifty-five and over so far.

“Our clients participate in a variety of programs from bingo, to playing cards, to watching movies, and socializing over a light lunch,” Ms. Jonas says.

The center had been closed by Mayor Sam Sutter for budgetary reasons, until he heard seniors in the south end were having a difficult time with having no place to go. At a news conference earlier this month, the mayor announced he was reopening the center after finding monies through Community Development Block Grant monies for fund the operation.

For more information on the days, times, and activities offered, interested residents can call the COA office at Government Center – (508) 324-2000.

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