Prosecutors Seeking over $500,000 in Forfeiture Funds as Part of Correia Sentencing

Keith Thibault September 8, 2021 Comments Off on Prosecutors Seeking over $500,000 in Forfeiture Funds as Part of Correia Sentencing

Federal prosecutors are seeking $566,740 in forfeiture funds from former Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia as part of the sentence for his conviction in May of defrauding investors in his SnoOwl business and extorting funds from potential recreational marijuana vendors.

Attorney Steven Sabra of Sabra & Aspden says the request for forfeiture filed before U.S. District Court Judge Douglas Woodlock is common.

Sabra says by pursuing this forfeiture order, prosecutors have more options to secure payment.


The prosecution is seeking $410,240 for Correia’s conviction on the SnoOwl counts and $156,500 for the marijuana extortion and conspiracy convictions. Sabra says that amount could be doubled if Judge Woodlock orders Correia to provide restitution to the victims in the case.

Correia is scheduled to be sentenced for his convictions on September 20.

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