Pink Slips To Go Out To FFAA Members Soon

Donna Motta April 15, 2016 Comments Off on Pink Slips To Go Out To FFAA Members Soon

Pink slips will soon be given out to 130 vice principals, school adjustment counselors, psychologists, guidance counselors, and department heads, which is the first group of school department employees to receive such notices.  The school committee is looking at ways to cut back its fiscal year 2017 school budget request that totals $141.6 million dollars.

According to school officials, their budget request is $8 million dollars above the state-mandated minimum spending requirement of $133.3 million, which they contend would fund level services in the next school year.

At a recent school committee meeting though, Mayor Jasiel Correia II, who serves as committee chair, said it would not be possible to meet that budget request.

The school committee voted 6-1 to issue layoff notices, based on a recommendation, and in Correia’s words“as a precaution.”

The board’s legal counsel Bruce Assad, said letters to the affected employees will be sent to all Fall River  Administrators Association members.

It should be noted that the pink slips do not necessarily mean those handed lay off notices will be terminated for the start of school in September.



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