Parking Ban Still In Effect In Fall River

Donna Motta January 8, 2018 Comments Off on Parking Ban Still In Effect In Fall River

The parking ban in Fall River is expected to continue until 5:00 p.m. today as snow removal efforts continue throughout the day. That according to Gen Andrade, who serves as Chief of Staff for Mayor Jasiel Correia II. The ban went into effect last Wednesday, the day before the first major blizzard of the new year.

Andrade says Department of Community Maintenance crews are out in full force doing the best they can to clear all roads, including side streets and snow mounds piled on street corners that block the view of drivers. Workers continue to clear clogged side streets, and in some cases, are even plowing snow from private driveways.

According to Andrade, 200 snow plows have been out since Thursday, as well as dump trucks, salters, and any other equipment necessary for removing the 14 to 18 inches of snow that fell in the Greater Fall River area.

Meanwhile, public schools started after a two-hour delay, and morning pre-kindergarten and morning day care sessions are cancelled.

The Correia Administration is asking residents to be patient as crews work to clear the street and roadways can get back to normal. Residents can report issues involving the snow woes to the mayor’s office at (508) 324-2600 or (508) 324-2601.






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