Park Board Takes Blame For Cemetery Debacle

Donna Motta November 17, 2016 Comments Off on Park Board Takes Blame For Cemetery Debacle

According to a report in today’s Fall River Herald News, the Board of Park Commissioners took full responsibility for ordering the clean sweep at Oak Grove Cemetery that resulted in about 200 planters and urns being removed from grave sites this fall. The move anger residents, and caused the city council to hold its own meeting on what should be done to right what the residents feel was a wrong.

Last night, Board member David Rebello said he investigated the matter, talked with two previous cemetery directors, and found that the board was at fault for the clean up. Rebello said the board made a 4-1 vote to remove the items during a regular meeting in an effort to clean up the entire cemetery. He was the one who voted in opposition, because he thought the matter was taken up too quickly, although even in opposition he takes responsibility for the outcome because he is a board member.

For the full story click the link below”

Fall River Herald News









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