On The Spot Help Available For Substance Abusers

Donna Motta June 14, 2017 Comments Off on On The Spot Help Available For Substance Abusers

During a news conference on Tuesday, June 13th at Government Center, Mayor Jasiel Correia gave his blessing to a coalition of mental health workers intent on helping substance abusers get the treatment they need. The mayor announced that social service workers, medical professionals, and health insurance representatives will be on hand to offer assistance to substance abusers and their families at Government Center the last Thursday of each month. The Addiction Help Center will be open  between 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and will be located in the atrium. Participants will be given immediate, on-the-spot help for their addiction problems and, according to the mayor, this service is being provided at no cost to taxpayers:

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