No Rational Motive For Rampage at Mall In Taunton

Donna Motta May 11, 2016 Comments Off on No Rational Motive For Rampage at Mall In Taunton

At a news conference today, May 11th at Fall River Second District Court, Bristol County District Attorney Thomas Quinn III, addressed a group of news media to answer questions about a shooting and stabbing incident at the Silver City Galleria Mall that occured Tuesday, May 10th. The suspect, 28 year old Arthur Derosa from Taunton, was shot to death during the incident by an off duty law enforcement official while the officer was having dinner at Bertucci’s restaurant. Derosa was later pronounced dead at Charlton Memorial Hospital. Two of Derosa’s stabbing victims died from their injuries, while several other victims were treated at area hospitals, with some treated and released. DA Quinn was barraged with questions from the news media during today’s news conference with some questions dealing with Derosa’s mental health status and criminal background. Quinn told reports that Derosa’s sister was interviewed about her brother’s mental state before his rampage:



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