New Voting Machines Not Expected Before Presidential Primary

Donna Motta October 30, 2015 Comments Off on New Voting Machines Not Expected Before Presidential Primary

Fall River is in dire need of new voting machines, according to the City’s Board of Election Chairwoman Liz Camara.

“Unfortunately, no updated machines will not be available for the Presidential Primary on March 1st,” she says, “let alone for next week’s final election.”

Ms. Camara is keeping her fingers crossed that the machines will hold out for the November 3rd election.

“We had a technician check out a couple of problems with our current Op-Tech machines when we tested them this week in preparation for the upcoming final election,” Ms. Camara says. “The problem is that we cannot find parts if one or more machines break down during a crucial time.”

To avoid problems with breakage, Ms. Camara was given old machines from Somerset and Mansfield after administrators in those two towns updated their own equipment.

The Secretary of State’s office is requesting all cities and towns to upgrade their voting equipment to one of two newly certified machines, either the Ds200 or the Image Cast.

It would cost approximately $350 thousand dollars to comply with the state’s request, according to Camara who adds the city council has taken her request and tabled it.

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