New Names, New Logos for Two Fall River Workforce Organizations

Jayne Darcy August 30, 2018 Comments Off on New Names, New Logos for Two Fall River Workforce Organizations

Massachusetts has launched a workforce development branding initiative titled MassHire, and as a result, two Fall River organizations focused on employment have new names.

The Fall River Career Center is now MassHire Fall River Career Center, and The Bristol Workforce Investment Board is now the MassHire Bristol Workforce Board.  Forty-three additional career centers and workforce investment boards across the state have also changed their names.

The goal of the branding initiative is “a unified name and mission to improve recognition and availability of job services,” according to a tweet from Governor Charlie Baker, who visited Fall River yesterday to roll out MassHire.

A blue, green, and yellow logo that corresponds with the colors of the state’s new website was created to accompany the name change.

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