New Chief Of Staff Contract Is Flawed

Donna Motta June 3, 2016 Comments Off on New Chief Of Staff Contract Is Flawed

It appears there is a bit of confusion in terms of the contract that was signed between Mayor Jasiel Correia and his new Chief of Staff, Retired Police Sgt. Michael Hoar.

Following the announcement of the new hire at a June 2nd news conference, the mayor handed a nearly one page printout of the contract to the news media in attendance. The figures show that during a sixth month period between July 1st and December 31st 2017. Sgt. Hoar would earn his total salary of $40 thousand dollars per year.

However, due to pension concerns, Hoar can only work 960 hours in a calendar year. That amount divided by 52 weeks equals an 18 hour work week, which is a part-time position. Mayor Correia told FRC Media news that the Chief of Staff position was full-time.

The City’s Attorney Joe Macy admitted that there were some ‘typos’ in the document, which would be corrected today.

FRC Media will update this story as the details become available.

Meanwhile…Mayor Correia, in a short statement to FRC Media News, was adamant that Hoar is the right person for the job:




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