New Chancellor For Umass Dartmouth

Donna Motta March 7, 2017 Comments Off on New Chancellor For Umass Dartmouth

A new chancellor has been chosen to head the educational endeavors at UMass Dartmouth.

Robert Johnson, the President of Becker College in Worcester, has been approved for the position unanimously by the the university’s Board of Trustees.

Johnson is a member of the State Board of Higher Education, and Vice Chairman of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative Board.

Umass President Martin Meehan recommended Johnson for the post. A Detroit native, Johnson has served in administrative roles at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio; the university of Dayton; Oakland university and Central State University in Wilberforce Ohio.

Johnson earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Morehouse College, a master’s in education administration at University of Cincinnati, and a doctorate in higher education administration from Touro University International.

Former UMass Dartmouth Chancellor Divina Grossman stepped down in December 2015. Peyton Randolph “Randy” Helm is serving as interim chancellor until Johnson can take over the position.




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