Mosquito Spraying Continues In Fall River

Donna Motta August 8, 2019 Comments Off on Mosquito Spraying Continues In Fall River

Press Release From The Office Of Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia

DPH and the Department of Agriculture plan to do a partial aerial spraying of Fall River.  By spraying DPH hopes to reduce number of EEE mosquitos by impacting where they originate. Below is an approved EEE mosquito control social media message that the state has provided and suggested that we begin to disseminate via social media channels to inform the public.  DPH has not confirmed a location of the partial spraying in Fall River at this time and as you can see in the links below suggests to check back on their site for updated information.


Please consider sharing this message on your social media this week to amplify DPH messaging regarding plans for mosquito control activities. A DPH-approved image is attached. Appropriate accounts to tag include @MassDPH @MassDeptAgr @MassEHS and @MassEEA

Aerial spraying for mosquitoes in areas of Bristol and Plymouth counties is expected to start Thursday, August 8, and continue for several evenings. Spraying is weather dependent so get the latest on scheduling and which communities are affected at:



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