Mosquito Spraying at Kennedy Park

Donna Motta August 24, 2015 Comments Off on Mosquito Spraying at Kennedy Park

Since mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus were recently discovered at St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Mayor Sam Sutter has decided to spray Kennedy Park in order to reduce the mosquito population there.

The reason: The Feast of the Holy Ghost is set to Commence on Wednesday, August 28th.

Because of the anticipated influx of thousands of people for the feast, the Bristol County Mosquito Control Project has been called in to spray the area surrounding the park just before and during the festivities.

“Weather permitting the Bristol County Mosquito Control Project will be spraying in the vicinity of Kennedy Park for mosquitoes on Tuesday August 25th, and again on Friday August 28th between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. As in past years, the area sprayed will be bordered by South Main, Center, Ash, Sprague, Bay, William, and Hope Streets,” Mayor Sutter says

Although St. Patrick’s Cemetery is several miles from Kennedy Park, the mayor wants to take precautionary measures to keep residents safe from possibly being infected with the West Nile Virus.

“Keeping the Mosquito population reduced as much as possible is key to achieving this goal,” he says.

Feast-goers are urged to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. For more information on mosquito control and protection, residents can call the BCMCP at (508) 823-5253 for more information.

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