More Management Changes – Correction

Donna Motta January 18, 2017 Comments Off on More Management Changes – Correction

Here’s is a correction to the story below. FRC Media News mistakenly reported that Michael Hoar had exceeded the 960 hours he was allowed to work under the terms of his police department pension. The correction is that Mr. Hoar was close to reaching the 960 hours he was allowed to work under the terms of his police department pension.


Yet another employee change under the Correia administration in Fall River. According to a report today in the Fall River Herald News, Mayor Jasiel Correia announced the resignation of his chief of staff. Retired police sergeant Michael Hoar resigned from the post he accept eight months ago over the weekend.

Mayor Correia announced the resignation today, while attending the National Mayor’s Conference this week in Washington, DC. During a long distance phone call, the mayor told reporters that Hoar had exceeded the 960 hours that he was allowed to work under the terms of his police department pension. Hoar had replaced Correia’s former chief of staff and friend Chris Payrano reportedly following a rift between the two men.

Upon his return to Massachusetts from Washington, DC., Correia says he plans to start searching for a replacement similar to the skills Hoar brought to the table when he was hired last summer.

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