More Inquiries About Voter Status In Fall River

Donna Motta October 29, 2015 Comments Off on More Inquiries About Voter Status In Fall River

With the final election fast approaching on November 3rd, more residents have put in calls to see if they are registered to vote. That from Board of Election Chairwoman Liz Camara who spoke to from her Government Center office.

“I noticed an increase of resident calls as compared to over the time period before the September primary election,” She tells “Unfortunately we had to tell some people that they missed the October 14th deadline to register, which means they will be unable to vote in the Mayoral, city council, and school committee races.”

The election season this fall has proved lively at best, especially in the mayoral race. During the People’s Debate held October 28th that was sponsored by Spindle City Straight Talk, supporters of both candidates – Sam Sutter and Jasiel Correia II – has been heated, to say the least. Supporters in the audience were vocal in their dislike for what was being said by the candidate they are not backing, even down to a detail like when Mayor Sutter mispronounced Mr. Correia’s name and was called out on the mistake by irate onlookers.

Apparently thought neither candidate said they were not upset with the interruptions, although Mayor Sutter commented, “It was different to be interrupted like that.

The People’s Debate will be re-aired on channel 95 tonight at 8:00 p.m.

Polls open next Tuesday, November 3rd at 7:00 p.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. FRCMedia will air the election results live on local Channel 95, while will have regular updates posted on facebook.

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