Merrow Manufacturing Stepping Up to Meet the PPE Needs of Healthcare Professionals (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault April 29, 2020 Comments Off on Merrow Manufacturing Stepping Up to Meet the PPE Needs of Healthcare Professionals (VIDEO)

Fall River’s Merrow Manufacturing, a local business with nearly 200 years of experience, has shifted its focus during the COVID-19 pandemic, turning a potential business downturn into a growing source for thousands of healthcare professionals across the country.

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, the manufacturer of soft goods saw an opportunity to use its knowledge and technology to switch gears and produce personal protective equipment (PPE) desperately needed by healthcare workers on the frontlines caring for patients.  Merrow CEO Charlie Merrow says the company’s history of innovation helped them easily pivot toward its new focus.

The result has been an expansion of Merrow’s client base with the potential for more when the CODIC-19 crisis subsides.

The success of Merrow has also benefited the local job market. The company is currently seeking new employees to keep up with the demand in the production of more PPE. To find out more and apply, visit Merrow’s website.

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