Memorial Day Weekend Kicked Off With A Flag Raising

Donna Motta May 27, 2016 Comments Off on Memorial Day Weekend Kicked Off With A Flag Raising

A flag Raising ceremony at Oak Grove Cemetery kicked off Memorial Day weekend on Friday, May 27th. Mayor Correia, Veterans Agent Ray Hague, City Councilors Ray Mitchell; Linda Perreira, and Pam Laliberte-Lebeau, along with State Representative Alan Silvia were among the dignitaries in attendance. Silvia is a Vietnam War Vet, and also serves as the Vice President of the Joint Council of Veterans. When he took the podium, Silvia was impassioned as he spoke about the relationship between a quote from President Lincoln after the civil war ended in 1865, and what is happening on the civics front in terms of education in 2016:

Featured Slider Photos: Far left, Mayor Jasiel CorreiaII, City Veteran’s Agent Ray Hague, City Council Pam Laliberte-Labeaux an far right, State Representative Alan Silvia.


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