Meet the Candidates: Jake Auchincloss (D), MA 4th Congressional District (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault July 14, 2020 Comments Off on Meet the Candidates: Jake Auchincloss (D), MA 4th Congressional District (VIDEO)

Jake Auchincloss is one of nine (9) candidates seeking the Democratic nomination in the race to succeed Joseph Kennedy for the Massachusetts Fourth Congressional House seat. He will be on the ballot in the northern part of Fall River at the September 1st State Primary.

Watch our interview with Jake.

Jake Auchincloss was raised in Newton, attended Harvard, and served in the Marines in both Afghanistan and Panama.  He returned to Massachusetts and currently serves as a member of the Newton City Council.  Mr. Auchincloss says he’s running for Congress to restore people’s faith in their government.  One way to do that, he says, is by making sure all Americans are treated equally.

Mr. Auchincloss favors a public option in healthcare coverage, rethinking our tax structure to close the income inequality gap, and making SouthCoast Rail a reality as a strategy to ease the effects of Climate Change. He also believes the opportunity for all begins with a quality education.

Jake Auchincloss


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