Lower Electric Rates For Fall River Taxpayers

Donna Motta December 7, 2015 Comments Off on Lower Electric Rates For Fall River Taxpayers

All National Grid customers in Fall River and the surrounding area will be receive a significant savings on their electric bill.

Fall River has purchased electricity in bulk with surrounding city and towns at a lower rate than National Grid currently charges individual customers and businesses.

Our city will now be purchasing our energy from Con Edison, and the average savings for the coming winter months will be about $23 per household per month.

Resident used to pay 13.1 cents per kilowatt hour for electricity, but now the cost will be 9.4 cents per kilowatt hour under the new plan – almost a 30% reduction in cost.

Residents who use National Grid as their electricity supplier, you’ll be receiving a letter in the mail to explain the automatic enrollment process in which to use the new, lower rate that has been negotiated for at a substantial savings.

Residents not wanting to purchase electricity independly can opt out by following the directions on the letter that will soon go out.

For more information, go to the Southeast Regional Planning and Economic Development District website, at http://www.srpedd.org/energy-aggregation.

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