Local Chamber Predicts Business Re-Opening, Provides Membership Dues Relief (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault May 11, 2020 Comments Off on Local Chamber Predicts Business Re-Opening, Provides Membership Dues Relief (VIDEO)

As the local business community awaits news from Governor Baker on how the state will re-open, the One SouthCoast Chamber has some predictions along with some relief for financially-strapped members to stay connected with their peers.

Chamber Co-Ceo Rick Kidder says when it comes to re-opening the Commonwealth, Governor Baker will likely take a measured approach, based on conditions on the ground as well as what is happening nearby.

While some businesses remain shuttered, the Chamber is still looking to help its members who are facing financial difficulty.  Kidder says in response, the organization is loosening restrictions placed on members paying their Chamber dues.

More information on membership can be found on the OneSouthCoast Chamber website.

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