Library Combines Puzzles with Poetry

Keith Thibault April 28, 2021 Comments Off on Library Combines Puzzles with Poetry

The Fall River Public Library is promoting an online event tomorrow night that will teach children to appreciate poetry through the construction of puzzles.

From the Fall River Public Library

Puzzles Meet Poetry at Your Library Online!

On Thursday, April 29, 2021, Fall River Public Library, in cooperation with the Southcoast Six Libraries (Berkley, Dighton, Fall River, Rehoboth, Somerset, and Swansea), presents a unique online puzzle program, Peace by Piece with Poetry, beginning at 7 p.m.

Artist and puzzle designer Sarah Jane Lapp and poet Esther Cohen will unveil a new puzzle app, PUZLKIND, that allows players to put puzzles together online while chatting with other puzzlers in real-time. Instead of moving pieces around on a real board, players work the puzzle virtually.

Sound confusing? It’s really not, and Sarah Jane will be there to walk you through it. Meanwhile, as we puzzle together, Esther will help us generate words and phrases to create a poem.

Registration is required. Register online at, and you will be sent a code to join the game.

Please join us for this one-of-a-kind event celebrating National Poetry Month.

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