Laliberte’s Case Continued Until December 2

Keith Thibault October 13, 2022 Comments Off on Laliberte’s Case Continued Until December 2

Fall River City Councilor Pam Laliberte was in district court this morning to be arraigned on charges she harrassed a Westport woman and intimidated witnesses in the case.

Defense attorney Frank Camera has filed a motion to dismiss the charges and the case was continued until December 2nd.

“I think this was an overreach, certainly, by the Westport Police,” Camera said. “I’m hopeful we can get this situated shortly”

In a police report prepared by Westport Police, Councilor Laliberte had confessed that she did possess an app that allegedly sent out harassing text messages to the wife of an ex-lover.

“I think there were statements Ms. Laliberte had made, and givern the circumstances, we are going to certainly not acquiesce that she made those statements, ” said Camera

Shortly after the charges against her were filed, Councilor Laliberte resigned from her post as city council president but still remains an active member of the council.

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