King Phillip Mill Complex Update

Donna Motta December 28, 2017 Comments Off on King Phillip Mill Complex Update

The Southend Neighborhood Association plans to hold its first meeting of the year on January 4th, 2018. Up for discussion: When to open bids once again for the property to be developed into market rate housing. The King Phillip Mills Complex had been destroyed by fire in 2013, and is considered a public safety hazard. Neighborhood Association President and State Representative Alan Silvia says Mayor Jasiel Correia will be on hand to review plans to put the project out to bid yet again. Silvia tells FRC Media news that while a contractor’s plans to develop the property fell through earlier this year, there is renewed interest by other contractors to purchase the property on Kilburn Street. The plan also entails opening up nearby Cook Pond for recreational use – something that has never been done before. City Administrator Cathy Ann Viveiros wants to sell the city-owned property in order to get the complex off the tax rolls.


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