Kennedy Endorses Auchincloss to Fill Fourth Congressional Seat

Keith Thibault September 16, 2020 Comments Off on Kennedy Endorses Auchincloss to Fill Fourth Congressional Seat

Congressman Joseph Kennedy today announced his intention to endorse fellow Democrat Jake Auchincloss as the next representative from the Massachusetts 4th Congressional District.

From the Auchincloss Campaign


NEWTON, Mass. –  Today, Congressman Joe Kennedy III endorsed Jake Auchincloss to succeed him as the Massachusetts Fourth District’s Representative in Congress.

“At a moment of profound national crisis, we need leaders in government who will help restore the integrity of public service,” Congressman Kennedy said. “As a city councilor, a Marine veteran, and a young parent, Jake is intimately connected to many of Massachusetts’ most visceral challenges and has a thoughtful, big agenda for this generation and the next.

“Most critically, he has shown a commitment to every corner of the 4th District over the course of this campaign. It’s clear he will be a present, engaged and accessible representative for this diverse and dynamic coalition of 34 cities and towns.

“Representing the people of the 4th District in Congress has been the honor of my career. I am proud to endorse Jake’s candidacy and know how well-served my constituents will be by his leadership moving forward.”

In response, Jake Auchincloss made the following statement:

“I’m honored and grateful to receive Congressman Kennedy’s endorsement,” Auchincloss said. “His commitment to every single constituent of the 4th was evident from the very first day he took office. Whether fighting against the cruel and inhuman actions of the Trump administration or working to ensure every American has access to quality health care as a human right, his passion for helping people was — and is — unwavering. He has represented us with care and integrity, and I’m proud to carry that legacy forward for those in Massachusetts’ 4th.”

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