It’s Final Election Day In Fall River

Donna Motta November 3, 2015 Comments Off on It’s Final Election Day In Fall River

Voter turnout has been steady since the polls opened at 7:00, but Board of Election Chairwoman Liz Camara has no voter prediction results as of this time.

“The weather is nice, so hopefully more people will be able to get to the polls unlike in previous years when the weather was not so cooperative” she says.

Registered voters will be casting their choices for Mayor, City Council, School Committee, and members for a Charter Review Commission.

The mayor’s race has been especially turbulent since the September primary, with numerous debates showing Sam Sutter and his opponent Jasiel Correia II pointing fingers at what each feels is the others faults. Sutter has pointed his finger at Correia calling him inexperienced, while Correia acknowledges that while he is young he plans to surround himself with the best team possible in order to move the city forward.

In the city council race there are 18 candidates running for office with two seats available.

Polls close at 8:00 tonight. FRCMedia, local channel 95, will air the results live beginning at that time.

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