It’s A Special Day In Fall River

Donna Motta March 21, 2017 Comments Off on It’s A Special Day In Fall River

Mayor Jasiel Correia II has proclaimed today, March 21st Fall River’s Immigration Day of Action. Mayor Correia, in conjunction with the U.S. Conference of Mayors, joins his colleagues from across the country in an initiative to bring attention to immigration policy as implemented on the national level. Mayor Correia states: “As the child of immigrants as well as the Mayor of Fall River, this is a vital issue for me, as it is for all residents of the city.”

The full text of the proclamation is as follows:

Whereas: The United States of America is a nation of immigrants and has always been a haven for people of the world in their struggle for freedom and a better life; and

Whereas: Our national immigration policy has long been in need of meaningful reform; and

Whereas: Fall River has always been a welcoming and safe community for immigrants of many countries; and

Whereas: Immigrants have proven to be vital contributors to the spirit, life, culture and economy of Fall River;

Whereas: The immigrant population of our great country is facing unprecedented threats to their safety and well-being; and

Whereas: The U.S. Conference of Mayors has resolved to host a national Immigration Day of Action, March 21st 2017.

Now therefore: I, Mayor Jasiel F. Correia II, in joining with hundreds of my fellow mayors and millions of Americans, do hereby proclaim March 21st, Fall River’s Immigration Day of Action.






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