House Passes Bill to Make it Easier for Voting by Mail (VIDEO)

Keith Thibault July 1, 2020 Comments Off on House Passes Bill to Make it Easier for Voting by Mail (VIDEO)

The legislature is finalizing a bill to make it easier for residents to vote by mail this fall in the face of COVID-19.

On Tuesday the House voted 157-1 to approve a conference committee report which would allow voters greater latitude in requesting absentee ballots to vote by mail for both the September 1 State Primary and November 3 Presidential Election.

Fall River State Representative Alan Silvia says the bill will call for the state to alert voters by the end of the month of the option on how to vote by mail.

The Senate is expected to vote on the bill later this week.

Along with the expansion of vote by mail, the bill will give local municipalities broader options for early in-person voting prior to election day.  Silvia expects that an increase in mail voting may delay the results of the election as more absentee ballots are counted after polls are closed.

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