Hot Weather Safety Tips

Donna Motta August 12, 2016 Comments Off on Hot Weather Safety Tips

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health defines extreme heat as prolonged periods of a few days with high temperatures followed by high humidity. This means out door temperatures feel like 100 to 104 degrees for two hours or more.

Here are some tips from the National Weather Service which can help residents stay cool and healthy in extreme heat.

  • Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing when possible
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Stay in air conditioned places
  • Avoid unnecessary exertion

While the above tips are common sense, the DPH says residents may not be aware that they are participating in conditions where heat stroke or heat exhaustion can occur. Officials recommend that if conducting strenuous work outdoors make sure to schedule frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool location and of course, 911 calls can be necessary for heat stroke victims.

Note: Senior citizens with chronic health problems or mental health conditions are at an increased risk. Residents are reminded that homes without air conditioning can be much hotter than outdoor temperatures.

It is also best to check on vulnerable friends and family members in and around your neighborhood to ensure they are doing well in extreme heat conditions.


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