Holocaust Survivor To Talk At BCC

Donna Motta March 1, 2016 Comments Off on Holocaust Survivor To Talk At BCC

Louise Lawrence-Isarels is coming to Bristol Community College Thursday, March 3rd to talk about her experiences as a Holocaust Survivor during World War II.

Louise was born in Haarlem, the Netherlands, in 1942. German forces had already invaded the Netherlands in 1940. The Nazi’s had confiscated the family business and anti-Semitic laws were enacted. The Jews were forced to wear a yellow star. By July of 1942 deportations of Jews from the Netherlands to the extermination camps of Auschwitz and Sobibor had begun. In January 1943 Louise and her family were ordered to move to Amsterdam, and shortly thereafter went into hiding to escape deportation.

Below is the place, date, and time that Louise will speak at the Elsbree Street Campus. The event is free and open to the public:

Thursday, March 3, 2016; 4:00 PM                         Location: Jackson Arts Center H-209 & H210

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