Hip Hop Dance Fitness Event Planned

Donna Motta February 21, 2019 Comments Off on Hip Hop Dance Fitness Event Planned

Fall River, MA– The Katie Brown Educational Program (KBEP)  will host a Hip Hop Dance Fitness event this Friday, February 22, 2019, from 1-3 p.m. at the Greater Fall River Recreation Center, located at 45 Rock Street, Fall River, MA 02710.

This free event is being held to celebrate healthy relationships during February’s teen dating violence awareness month. KBEP Educator and dance instructor, Deshaun Ferguson will guide students through a fun-filled hour of movement.” This dance event was created for young people and adults to find alternative ways to relieve stress and show the clear connections between fitness and physically/mentally healthy.” says Mr. Ferguson.

The Katie Brown Educational Program is a relationship violence prevention program taught to students in grades 4-12 in Southeastern, MA and Rhode Island. Since our inception in 2001, we have taught more than 88,000 students and have expanded to include relationship sexual violence prevention (RSVP) programming, parent workshops, professional development workshops, a Consent Awareness Pledge, webinars and much more.

“KBEP’s relationship violence prevention curriculum encourages students to take ownership of their social culture, which they themselves tell us is currently accepting of emotional, physical, and verbally violent behavior,” says Claire Spaulding McVicker, Executive Director at the Katie Brown Educational Program. “Through our work, students pick up the life skills necessary to recognize the presence or potential presence of violence in relationships and to create safe, respectful and healthy relationships; and to choose alternatives to violent behaviors.”

“We are thrilled to be working with the Greater Fall River Recreation Center to bring a free event to teenagers that celebrates healthy relationships during such a critical time in young people’s lives.”

Attendees must be 13 years or older, and a parent is not required to attend. The event is free and limited to 25 participants. Registration is not required as the event is first to come, first serve. Refreshments will be provided by Nestle Waters and Cliff Bar protein bars.

For more information about this event and the Katie Brown Educational Program please contact Crystal Stone, Manager of Communications, Public Relations, and Fundraising at cstone@kbep.org

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