Heritage State Park Announces 2019 Theme

Jayne Darcy May 20, 2019 Comments Off on Heritage State Park Announces 2019 Theme


DCR Fall River Heritage State Park has announced that its theme for the 2019 season will be “The People and Culture of Fall River: Traditions and Transformations.”

Park programs, interactive activities, and events – including a lunchtime lecture series, film screenings, and exhibits — will be organized around monthly sub-themes of arrivals and beginnings, foodways, feasts and festivals, and family.

Current programs now available for viewing include “The Bay State: A Multicultural Landscape,” an exhibit of more than 400 photographs of new Americans by Mark Chester, and “The Fabric of Fall River,” a newly restored video that celebrates Fall River’s ethnic heritage.  The video is shown daily at 11:00 a.m. in the park’s Visitor Center.  Special group screenings are also available by request.

The park is open daily through Columbus Day.  For more information, contact Maggi.Brown@mass.gov or call (508) 675-5759.



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