Governor Baker Signs Solar Legislation

Donna Motta April 11, 2016 Comments Off on Governor Baker Signs Solar Legislation

Governor Baker joined a bipartisan group of legislators to sign solar legislation into law. The goal: To continue the expansion of the Commonwealth’s solar industry, and establish a long-term framework for sustainable solar development in Massachusetts.

The bill, called An Act Relative to Solar Energy, passed both legislative chambers with overwhelming support. The Baker administration’s goal is to reduce costs to rate payers while strengthening the state’s clean energy economy and progress towards greenhouse gas reduction requirements set forth under the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA).

“This legislation builds upon the continued success of the Commonwealth’s solar industry and ensures a viable, sustainable and affordable solar market at a lower cost to ratepayers,” Governor Baker said adding, “As our administration continues its balanced approach to diversify Massachusetts’ energy portfolio, solar development will be an integral component of our state’s clean energy future.”

Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia II not only agrees, but applauds the new legislation. Correia recently visited Solar City in Fall River’s Industrial Park to hear more about how net metering can save residents money on their electric bills. At that time, Correia said he was in favor of legislation that would help create clean energy in our area.

Photo courtesy: Donna Motta with Mayor Jasiel Correia, Senator Mike Rodriques and State Representatives Alan Silvia and Carole Fiola at Solar City in Fall River’s Industrial Park.










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