Gates of Hope Food Pantry

Donna Motta August 28, 2015 Comments Off on Gates of Hope Food Pantry

In an effort to reduce waste in Fall River and feed the hungry of the city, a local food pantry is working hard to reach this goal.

The Gates of Hope Food Pantry, located at 112 Flint Street, is a charitable organization that distributes healthy food to the needy.

Faith Scallion is the President and Founder of the non-profit organization which received its 501c status last March. Since then, Ms. Scallion and volunteers/staff make an effort to “rescue” food from area stores that would otherwise be thrown away, but not because the items are bad for consumption.

“We look to obtain food with an expiration date that is a day away, or food from ripped pallets that is still good, but that stores will not put up for sale,” Ms. Scallion explains. “Our purpose is two fold: To feed the hungry, while reducing unnecessary waste of food products in our local area.”

For more information, or to volunteer visit The Gates of Hope fb page.

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