Full Circle: Alison Horvitz Memorial Exhibit

Jayne Darcy May 9, 2019 Comments Off on Full Circle: Alison Horvitz Memorial Exhibit

An exhibit honoring Alison Horvitz, a local artist and teacher who passed away last year, opens this month at The Grimshaw-Gudewicz Art Gallery at Bristol Community College.

A resident of Somerset, Horvitz was a graduate of Boston University and studied painting at Rhode Island School of Design and UMass Dartmouth.  She took part in artist residencies in Italy and Vermont, and her work was shown in exhibits throughout the United States.

The opening reception for “Alison Horvitz Full Circle” will be held on May 30 from 6 to 8 p.m., and the exhibit will be on view through June 28.

For more information, call 508-678-2811, ext. 2631, or click here:






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