Former Somerset Police Chief Believes He is the Best Choice to Be Bristol County Sheriff

Keith Thibault August 12, 2022 Comments Off on Former Somerset Police Chief Believes He is the Best Choice to Be Bristol County Sheriff

FRCMedia is publishing a series of stories on the candidates running in the September 6th State Primary.  Today’s entry features George McNeil, Democratic candidate for Bristol County Sheriff. He is facing attorney Nicholas Bernier and Attleboro Mayor Paul Heroux in the State Primary.

You can view our full interview with George McNeil on our Election 2022 Democratic Primary Election page.

Most of the local state election candidates serving Fall River are not facing challengers in the State Primary. There are two races in the Bristol County Democratic Primary that are contested. One is the race for Bristol County Sheriff.

Former Somerset police chief George McNeil is one of three candidates running in the primary. He will oppose attorney Nicholas Bernier and Attleboro mayor Paul Heroux. The winner of the primary will face incumbent sheriff Tom Hodgson in November.

Chief McNeil says his 37 years of experience in law enforcement makes him uniquely qualified to be Bristol County’s next sheriff.

Chief McNeil says a big part of his platform for sheriff is improving programs for detainees so that, when released, they do not return as repeat offenders.

Chief McNeil is also interested in reorganizing the sheriff’s department, eliminating many existing administrative positions.

The chief is also looking at utilizing sheriff’s department space innovatively, particularly the aging Ash Street Jail holding detainees in New Bedford.

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