Five Candidates Return Nomination Papers Before Deadline

Keith Thibault January 22, 2019 Comments Off on Five Candidates Return Nomination Papers Before Deadline

There will likely only be five candidates running for mayor in the March 12 special recall election.

The deadline to submit nomination papers to the Election Office was at 5pm today and only Paul Coogan, Mayor Jasiel Correia, City Councilor Joe Camara, former school committeeman, and city councilor Kyle Riley and newcomer Erica Scott-Pacheco met the deadline.

If their nominations are certified they will be the only candidates on the second half of the recall ballot.

Six candidates did not return nomination papers by the deadline:  Former city councilor Dan Rego and residents Luis Cabral, Aaron Ferreira, Aaron Elijah Ferreira, Richard Branco, and Ronald Gagnon.

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