Summer brings with it enjoying fresh produce grown by local farmers. Three farmers’ markets a week will spring up across the city beginning next week and run into the fall.
Mass in Motion Fall River is working with the Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership and WIC in organizing three weekly farmers’ markets across the city.
Sarah Labossiere from Mass in Motion Fall River says returning this year is the Healthy Incentives Program, or HIP, an opportunity for those eligible for SNAP benefits to taking advantage of the fresh produce from local farmers.
SNAP households of one or two persons can spend up to $40 a month at the farmers’ markets as part of HIP. Three to five-person households can spend up to $60 per month, while those in households with six or more people can spend up to $80. Beneficiaries must have at least $1 on their SNAP card to receive the monthly HIP benefit.
Beneficiaries will use their EBT card to purchase produce at one of the three Fall River markets. The amount of the purchase will be deducted from their SNAP benefits balance then immediately reloaded with that same amount through HIP,
“The farmer will give the customer a receipt that shows that the correct amount was deducted, and then reloaded back onto the EBT card so that the SNAP balance is the same as the customer started with,” Labossiere said.
Laura Smith, a local farmer from Rehobnboth who participates in the Fall River farmers’ markets, says she is proud to be able to share her harvest with local residents looking to make healthy eating choices.
All farmers’ markets are open to the public. To find out more, you can call 508-324-2405 or 508-524-2601
Just a quick clarification about HIP benefits – the extra money is not automatically “added” to SNAP benefits on your EBT card, the extra money is AVAILABLE for you to spend on fruits and vegetables at HIP certified Farmers Markets/Farm Stands/Farms, as well as online ordering through these farms (The Saint Anne’s Hospital, HealthFirst and Cardinal Medeiros markets are ALL HIP CERTIFIED).
The process works like this: a person with SNAP benefits chooses their produce at a certified Farmers Market. They use their EBT card to purchase the items, and the machine deducts the cost from the SNAP benefit balance. Then, IMMEDIATELY, the same amount of money is RELOADED BACK ONTO the SNAP card.
The farmer will give the customer a receipt that shows that the correct amount was deducted, and then reloaded back onto the EBT card, so that the SNAP balance is the same as the customer started with! (And they get to go home with the fresh fruits and vegetables!)
Please feel free to ask for more HIP info at the three HIP certified Farmers Markets in the city, or call Sarah at 508-324-2405, or email Sarah at More info about HIP can be found at and at (“Food Assistance” quick Link)