Fall River To Hire City Engineer

Donna Motta September 23, 2016 Comments Off on Fall River To Hire City Engineer

The city has been without a full-time engineer since Bryon Holmes, who has headed that position for 15 years, retired last July. Although Bryons has stayed on as a part-time consultant since then, the city wants to hire his replacement, according to Human Resources Director Madeline Coelho.

Now that the mayor has released his aggressive Capital Improvement Plan, Coelho says it’s time to hire a new city engineer and that can happen as soon as next week.

“We have a candidate, and he has a final interview with the mayor on Monday,” she says.

Declining to name the possible replacement for Holmes, Coelho said the candidate has been vetted by the search committee, and references have been checked.

The position was advertised with a salary of $85,000 annually, although an ordinance allows a cap of $90,000.

The search committee for the new position are Coelho, City Administrator Cathy Ann Viveiros, Public Utilities Administrator Terrance Sullivan, and Water and Sewer Engineer Paul Ferland.


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