Fall River Teachers to Start New Year Without a Contract

Keith Thibault August 22, 2024 0

The new school year in Fall River will open with teachers returning to the classroom without a contract.

The latest bargaining session between the Fall River Educators’ Association and the city did not yield an agreement.

Both sides are still apart on compensation, based on teacher seniority. The city proposes a seven percent increase for lower-level teachers in year one and an 8 percent increase for those on the higher steps. For years two and three the city is proposing five percent increases across the board.

The union proposes wage increases of eight and nine percent in year one with nine and ten percent hikes in years two and three.

FREA president Keith Michon says Fall River teachers are grossly underpaid compared to teachers in other Gateway Cities but teachers will report to work as scheduled on Wednesday.

The union is also seeking improvements on terms of family leave, workloads, length of day and other stipends. The next bargaining session is scheduled for September 3.

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