Fall River School Budget

Donna Motta March 15, 2017 Comments Off on Fall River School Budget

No school employees will be getting pink slips this fiscal year, if School Superintendent Matt Malone has his way.

Malone’s plan would reallocate $1.3 million dollars to create several new instructional and support positions, while eliminating nine current jobs, but he told the school committee this week that no one will be laid off during Fiscal Year 2018 as a result of his proposal.

Before the proposal could be put into effect, the City Council would have to approve the package before the next fiscal year, which begins July 1st.

Malone presented his recommended budget two months ahead of schedule from the budget cycle of previous years, when they were normally not presented until mid-May.

According to information in an article published today in the Fall River Herald News, over the past few months, Malone said crafting his recommended budget was an “all hands on deck” effort, with central administrative staff members and individual school leadership teams studying up on “zero-based budgeting,” a budgeting method that starts from zero and every subsequent line item is analyzed for its need and cost.

Malone is satisfied with his budget proposal, saying since last September he has held 27 budget meetings with the school personnel charged with crafting financial packages.











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