Fall River Resource Guides Available in Two Languages

Jayne Darcy August 29, 2018 Comments Off on Fall River Resource Guides Available in Two Languages

Free guides to a wide range of community resources in the Fall River area are now available in English and in Spanish.

Produced by the Health and Well-Being Coalition — a joint initiative of Greater Fall River Partners for a Healthier Community and United Neighbors that supports families in need — the guides provide information about over 400 local programs, services, and organizations.

Resources are grouped into 43 categories including child care, disability services, emergency services, elder services, substance abuse, suicide prevention, and parenting groups.

The guides can be viewed or downloaded here: https://000ip39.wcomhost.com/wordpress1/resources/

To request multiple copies for your organization, contact Wendy Garf-Lipp,  Executive Director of United Neighbors and Chairperson of the Health and Well-Being Coalition, at 508-324-7900 ext. 103.

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