Fall River Recognizes Youth Violence Prevention Week

Donna Motta April 5, 2017 Comments Off on Fall River Recognizes Youth Violence Prevention Week

Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia has announced that the city is once again recognizing National Youth Violence Prevention week up until April 7th.

The mayor is working on the campaign in conjunction with the Fall River Youth Violence Prevention Initiative group (YVPI). The purpose is to raise awareness, and to educate the public on effective ways to prevent or reduce youth violence. This week-long national educational initiative will involve activities that demonstrate the positive role young people can have in making their school and community safer.

The YVPI is a collaborative effort directed toward empowering citizens to become involved in the reduction and prevention of youth violence in their communities. The movement emphasizes the ideal that no one program, organization, grant, or approach can solve the problem of violence in the city of Fall River.

Mayor Correia stated: “Nothing is more important to me than our youth. I am excited to continue the partnership that my administration has had with the Youth Violence Prevention Initiative. I am proud of the positive involvement our young people have in our community and this initiative only reinforces those efforts. Youth Violence Prevention Week raises our awareness of some of the issues that our youth face and I thank all the participating agencies for everything they do.”





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